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 Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up

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Number of posts : 259
Age : 57
Localisation : East Coast USA
Registration date : 2023-08-18

Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up Empty
PostSubject: Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up   Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 11:35 am

Ulterium Records is reissuing this on CD and also digitally. I pre-ordered the digital version on bandcamp. This is one of the few times I chose digital over physical CD, but being less than half the cost of getting the CD swayed me ($8.99 digital vs $20.99 for cd and shipping). The fact that they are offering the digital in FLAC helps a lot too.

Ulterium Store CD Pre-Order 

Bandcamp Pre-Order 

1. A Tribute to the Past
2. Too Late For Living
3. To Hell With the Devil
4. Flames of Fire
5. Out of the Darkness
6. Silent Screams
7. Rebels of Jesus Christ
8. Warrior of Light
9. Heroes
10.Meet Again


Reissue of "A Tribute to the Past", the legendary and long out of print Christian metal tribute album originally released in 1998. The album includes cover versions of Christian metal classics from Stryper, Bloodgood, Bride, Saint, Jerusalem, REZ, Leviticus, Creed and Force 3, as well as the original track "A Tribute to the Past".

The digital version includes a digital booklet with liner notes from all Treasure Seeker members, the legendary Pastor Bob Beeman, Heaven’s Metal editor Doug van Pelt as well as band members and people that were involved with the bands that are covered on the album, including Richard Lynch and Josh Kramer from Saint, Stephan Galfas, the producer of Stryper - “To Hell With the Devil”, Ez Gomér from Leviticus, Les Carlsen from Bloodgood, Glenn Kaiser from REZ, Ulf Christiansson from Jerusalem, Charlie Wilson from Force 3, Dale Thompson from Bride and Tichy Casni from Creed.


releases April 19, 2024

Treasure Seeker is:
William Hieb - Bass
Andy Gutjahr - Guitars
Olaf Hayer - Vocals
Danilo Baldorf - Drums
Marc Piras – Guitars

Recorded & Produced by William Hieb and Michael Jesch
Mixed at Treasure Hunt Studios Hattingen
Cover painted by Enrique Nieto
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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up   Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2024 8:48 pm

Great album, I would think about getting it, but already have the original CD and it sounds great to my ears.

On a side note Marc Piras used to post here on occasion, but I haven't seen anything from him in years.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Treasure Seeker "A Tribute To The Past" Reissue Coming Up
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