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 New albums - downloads for 2020.

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Black Rider
Through The Dark Radio
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2020 11:21 am

Rosanna's Raiders - Before & After The Fire 1985-2019

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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2020 8:09 pm

I got the downloads for the new Michael II albums from Roxx this morning.  They have had a few CDs delayed from the manufacturer, so they are sending out MP3s to help tide the fans over until the discs come.

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Number of posts : 1476
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2020 2:27 am

New Tigerwine just dropped.  Anchor and Braille later this month too.
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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
Registration date : 2011-04-13

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2020 8:13 am

What does Tigerwine sound like?
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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2020 1:54 pm

It's kind of a long, higher pitched, nasally roar that's usually follows being asked to take out the trash.
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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2020 3:02 pm

Xid wrote:
It's kind of a long, higher pitched, nasally roar that's usually follows being asked to take out the trash.


"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2020 3:21 pm

Paradox - Ruler

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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2020 4:07 pm

Although not new, I finally found a 320 kbps download of the final Jonah33 EP "Dead Man Walking".  The band only released it for sale for two weeks when it came out.  After that, you could find lower quality downloads of 4 of the 5 songs.  I found a site that had all five of them.  It only took me 6 years to get a great quality version of this digital only release.

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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2020 5:38 pm

Joe Satriani - Shapeshifting
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Number of posts : 1476
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2020 5:03 am

Black Rider wrote:
What does Tigerwine sound like?
Hard to describe.  Layered and complex alt/emo prog.  Like Anberlin meets Rush.
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2020 9:15 am

Dangerous Project - Cosmic Vision

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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2020 10:07 am

Stryken - First Strike download

While I already had a copy of Cliffy's remastered version of First Strike, I never have heard their Blitzkrieg demo album.  The band had it remastered and added it to their CD version of First Strike.  They have been selling the CD for $35 and $10 for shipping which is WAY too much for me to pay for a single disc.  The downloads are now available everywhere for only $9.49.  Therefore, today I will be crushing the head of Satan while doing various chores.

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Number of posts : 1476
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2020 4:02 am

Anchor & Braille- Tension
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2020 8:46 am

Downloads for the three Halo reissues.  The CDs have finally been shipped!

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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2020 3:03 pm

alldatndensum wrote:
Downloads for the three Halo reissues.  The CDs have finally been shipped!

Woo  Looking forward to hearing how the remasters sound.....and the newly released lost first album.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2020 12:09 am

Halo - Halo (30th Anniversary Ed)
Halo - Heaven Calling
Halo - Life Goes On

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."

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Number of posts : 1710
Registration date : 2017-08-01

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2020 3:51 am

My copy of DM1 arrived today. Yes! For anyone who likes a little growling, this album is fabulous. The music is fabulous. The vocals are spartan but meaningful. I'm loving it. "The Lord has sworn, pay the penalty" Take THAT Satan.

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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2020 2:26 pm

Angelic Forces - Angelic Forces EP (digital)

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2020 5:08 pm

Liaison - Urgency
Liaison - Hard Hitter

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 12:34 pm

20 Lb. Sledge - Divine Battery
20 Lb. Sledge - Electric Exodus
We Are Resolute - Shine The Light

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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2020 7:30 pm

Several Apologetix albums I had missed.

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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2020 7:14 am

Seventh Day Slumber - Unseen:  The Lion And The Lamb

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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2020 2:37 pm

Nina Llopis - Unveiled Part 1-2

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2020 1:48 pm

Bride - Drop

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 3551
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New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New albums - downloads for 2020.   New albums - downloads for 2020. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2020 5:34 pm

Adorned Graves - Being Towards A River

Their debut album has been one of my favorite and most-listened-to albums since its release so I've got ultra high expectations for this one.  Very Happy  I can't wait for my copy to arrive!
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