Got to see them last night and chat with them after the show. Very cool! I am not a big concert-goer; I think this is the second Christian group I've seen live in the past decade. (Could be the parenthood phase: if I can't bring the kids I probably don't go.) So the give-your-email-for-a-download gimmick worked, and I'm thankful for it.
What I find unfortunate is that when these smaller acts tour the "church circuit" all too often the only people that show up are the parishioners of that church. I'm on their mailing list, and shared the event on FB, but my impression was that just about everyone else there already knew each other. Are Christians afraid to step into a different church building? Are people generally disinclined to go to an event hosted at a church? Do churches just do lousy jobs of promoting events? I don't know.