Finances are gonna be super tight for the next year or so due to the whole disability thing, but I decided to get out and get some fresh air and a little cardio by walking the swap meet last weekend... Oh my oh my oh my.... Much to my wife's dismay, and to my elation, one of the vendors had about 200 CDs for sale for a buck each and there were a bunch of metal albums - more importantly, RARE Christian metal !!
I almost cried when I started flipping thru these knowing they were only a dollar each, and they're in beautiful shape !
Now, I picked up several secular metal titles even though I've never heard them and have no idea if I'll like them or not. Reason is obvious though, it's a total investment. You come across a deal like this, you don't pass it up, knowing that you could easily ebay them for a minimum of 7 bucks and some are worth upwards to 30 bucks each. So, for me, in my time of financial need, this is a God send !
Anyways, wanted to share what I scored so cheaply, as this kind of thing pretty much NEVER happens - total one in a billion chance of finding titles like Seventh Avenue (which have gone as high as 50 bucks on ebay !!), an original Believer (I've only ever owned a re-release), Paramecium, the very expensive Detritus !, and a couple of Morti's... their self titled !!!
Here's a taste of what I'm looking at:
Currently on ebay or Discogs as we speak, people are quite hopeful at getting the following =
Morti -Scrolls of Megolith = $40 to $49
Morti -S/T = $30 to $45
7th Avenue -Lament = $20 to $30
7th Avenue -Torment = $28 to $50
Detritus - $17 to $100.00
Believer -Extraction = $30 +
Paramaecium -Haven't checked if it's an original pressing or not, regular goes for $28 to $50, if it's an original, no label release, it can fetch a $100 !!
And I haven't even priced the secular ones yet !