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 Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???

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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 27, 2021 7:30 am

I have browsed, but all I would be doing is buying remasters of albums I already have.  Sure, they would be updated copies, but I skipped them for a reason.  So, I saved my money and didn't buy anything.  Besides, I bought what I wanted throughout the year, so there wasn't really anything there I was just dying to get or wanted to check out of curiosity.

What about you?

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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 27, 2021 3:22 pm

I purchased a few cds from Boones.  All older stuff I was hoping to get at a decent price.  But offset by the $8.25 I paid in shipping.  Laughing

Ultimatum - Lex Metalis $6.80
Mass - Fighter $12.80 (not really a "sale price" IMO)
Mass - '84 Unchained $5.80
Broken Silence - Discerning the Times $8.80

I would have liked to get something from Roxx, but really couldn't find anything I really wanted.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."

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Number of posts : 3144
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Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 8:12 am

I skipped last year. I really like the Modest Attraction album that reminds me of Deep Purple (don't know if they all sound like that but the samples I heard from Devine Luxury sound like that album would be to my liking). I also thought "Dangerously Close" would be cool to have on vinyl but the colored copies are regular price so I ordered black. At least I would get the bonus track "The Word"! Oh wait... It isn't on there and I realized it later that day. Oh well. But yeah.... Shipping makes those vendors not a great deal.
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Number of posts : 9980
Age : 54
Localisation : Yucca Valley, CA
Registration date : 2007-05-18

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 2:01 pm

I scored pretty good. The half off deal was too good to pass up. I've never owned Atomic Arena on CD (just LP and Cassette), so I took the opportunity to pay under 10 bucks for it. Also for 50% off, I picked up some albums I've wanted in the past, but didn't have the money for. And though I'm not a big fan of Girder, I couldn't pass up those under $5 CDs.

Barren Cross - Atomic Arena (2020 CD Remaster) × 1 $18.99
Twenty Twenty - Altered (CD) Remastered AOR × 1 $14.99
Twenty Twenty Self-Titled Debut (CD) 35th Anniversary Edition × 1 $14.99
Helix - A Helix Christmas [CD] × 1 $10.00
Fear Not - For The Wounded Heart [CD] × 1 $10.00
Red Ink - The World After Anthology [CD] × 1 $15.99

Discount  NLTMROXX2021
= $42.48

FIERCE HEART - WAR FOR THE WORLD (*NEW-CD, 2021) Massive hard rock from Rex Carroll of Whitecross × 1 $4.88
One Bad Pig - Smash (CD) Remastered w/Trading Card #3 × 1 $4.88
Angelica - Without Words × 1 $4.88

Last edited by Guilty/Forgiven on Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Number of posts : 9980
Age : 54
Localisation : Yucca Valley, CA
Registration date : 2007-05-18

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 2:03 pm

Gary, that's a killer price for that Ultimatum. I remember paying full price for that one when it came out

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Number of posts : 23634
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Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 6:55 pm

Guilty/Forgiven wrote:
Gary, that's a killer price for that Ultimatum. I remember paying full price for that one when it came out

I thought so too!  Also it's still in the shrink-wrap (so not even used).

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."

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Number of posts : 1474
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Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2021 3:52 am

I scored a couple of tees from Europe:  a Saviour Machine mask one, and the Eric Clayton + The Nine edition.

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Number of posts : 3550
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Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2021 12:13 pm

The only thing I bought was Reflection Of Glory's remastered Reborn CD. I have the original version digitally but this was a great opportunity to get it proper. Smile All music is still 50% off for anyone interested.

I also bought their Christmas EP [digital] which is nice too.

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Number of posts : 291
Registration date : 2017-02-13

Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2021 12:44 pm

I don't think I bought a single thing, at all, on Black Friday special. Just bought a big dose of music so probably won't be splurging on that again soon. Unless I find some kind of "hits of the 80s" collection, just for nostalgia.

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Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???   Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales??? I_icon_minitime

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Anyone score on the big Black Friday CD sales???
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