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 New releases for this year.

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Through The Dark Radio
Black Rider
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Number of posts : 16631
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 22, 2020 7:46 am

I would love to see a new Bone Prophet, or a new Empire21.
A new Mission of One would be so awesome.
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Number of posts : 1710
Registration date : 2017-08-01

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 4:20 am

Staybrite wrote:
Also...(not sure if all these album titles are correct...I'm guessing at a few)

Joshua's Creed - We Love Staybrite
Evan's & Stokes - We Also Love Staybrite
Sonic Divide - The Other Side
Liberty N Justice - Beauty In the Black Eye (although I didn't like the last EP at all)
LordchainPraise - III: Staybrite is Super Awesome...but not as great as God
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
Big Chris & D' Bare Bones Band - Hangin' with Staybrite
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
lol, got that right.
We are seven songs in to our next release with a couple more in the early stages. We haven't recorded vocals for any of them yet (this heat is too much for me, I'd faint doing the vocals). No release date yet, but probably sometime later this year. I'm sorry, SB, it's a great title, really, it is, but no, we're not naming it, "We Also Love Staybrite" (even though we do love ya). You see, we can't be seen to be copying Joshua's Creed. It's the "we also" that's the problem here. I'm sure you understand: I love you but No
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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
Registration date : 2011-04-13

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 9:06 am

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Number of posts : 1476
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 9:51 am

Jen5 wrote:
Staybrite wrote:
Also...(not sure if all these album titles are correct...I'm guessing at a few)

Joshua's Creed - We Love Staybrite
Evan's & Stokes - We Also Love Staybrite
Sonic Divide - The Other Side
Liberty N Justice - Beauty In the Black Eye (although I didn't like the last EP at all)
LordchainPraise - III: Staybrite is Super Awesome...but not as great as God
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
Big Chris & D' Bare Bones Band - Hangin' with Staybrite
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
lol, got that right.
We are seven songs in to our next release with a couple more in the early stages. We haven't recorded vocals for any of them yet (this heat is too much for me, I'd faint doing the vocals). No release date yet, but probably sometime later this year. I'm sorry, SB, it's a great title, really, it is, but no, we're not naming it, "We Also Love Staybrite" (even though we do love ya). You see, we can't be seen to be copying Joshua's Creed. It's the "we also" that's the problem here. I'm sure you understand: I love you but No
How about a concept album, "The Staybrite Chronicles"? Runaway platinum album!!
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Number of posts : 23642
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 4:11 pm

Normaniac wrote:
Jen5 wrote:
Staybrite wrote:
Also...(not sure if all these album titles are correct...I'm guessing at a few)

Joshua's Creed - We Love Staybrite
Evan's & Stokes - We Also Love Staybrite
Sonic Divide - The Other Side
Liberty N Justice - Beauty In the Black Eye (although I didn't like the last EP at all)
LordchainPraise - III: Staybrite is Super Awesome...but not as great as God
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
Big Chris & D' Bare Bones Band - Hangin' with Staybrite
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
lol, got that right.
We are seven songs in to our next release with a couple more in the early stages. We haven't recorded vocals for any of them yet (this heat is too much for me, I'd faint doing the vocals). No release date yet, but probably sometime later this year. I'm sorry, SB, it's a great title, really, it is, but no, we're not naming it, "We Also Love Staybrite" (even though we do love ya). You see, we can't be seen to be copying Joshua's Creed. It's the "we also" that's the problem here. I'm sure you understand: I love you but No
How about a concept album, "The Staybrite Chronicles"? Runaway platinum album!!

I'd buy it!

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 23642
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 4:12 pm

Jen5 wrote:
Staybrite wrote:
...dumb stuff....
Stryper - Not Quite as Cool as Staybrite
lol, got that right.
We are seven songs in to our next release with a couple more in the early stages. We haven't recorded vocals for any of them yet (this heat is too much for me, I'd faint doing the vocals). No release date yet, but probably sometime later this year. I'm sorry, SB, it's a great title, really, it is, but no, we're not naming it, "We Also Love Staybrite" (even though we do love ya). You see, we can't be seen to be copying Joshua's Creed. It's the "we also" that's the problem here. I'm sure you understand: I love you but No

Oh I completely understand...heck I wouldn't even name my own album after myself  geek
Now maybe if I had a last name like Bloodgood, or Dokken.... Twisted Evil

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 6:17 pm

Staybrite Bloodgood?  I'm sure you would have gotten beaten up in school.
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Number of posts : 23642
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 6:20 pm

Xid wrote:
Staybrite Bloodgood?  I'm sure you would have gotten beaten up in school.

Wouldn't have been any different than any regular day.   Fight

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 7:51 pm

Just twice as bad.
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Number of posts : 23642
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 30, 2020 12:21 pm

Xid wrote:
Just twice as bad.
Shocked Laughing

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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New releases for this year. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New releases for this year.   New releases for this year. - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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