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 Pastor Brad - Shredded Sweet (Full Album)

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Registration date : 2015-06-15

Pastor Brad - Shredded Sweet (Full Album) Empty
PostSubject: Pastor Brad - Shredded Sweet (Full Album)   Pastor Brad - Shredded Sweet (Full Album) I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 24, 2017 5:26 pm

In 2007 I had just moved to Altoona, PA to serve the First Church of Christ as Pastor of Small Groups.  RESHREDDED was my latest release (2006) -- That album had facilitated the fulfillment of a couple of dreams--as Richard Lynch and Dee Harrington (of SAINT) had both played a lot on that album.  So now I was faced with the, "What now?" Question.  I didn't want to do a repeat of RESHREDDED... but I was still very much in the "instrumental" mindset.  I wanted to do another instrumental album, but I wanted to break out a little bit stylistically.  I would forever be 80s Hard Rock through & through... but I was hungry to invite some new players into the mix who played "fresh" styles--unique from mine.  I recruited Sonny Lombardozzi - an absolute MONSTER Shredder & Joe Nardulli - an amazing rock/fusion - Steve Morse style player.. and Matt Eltringham -- a rock solid hard-rock/blues player.  And then Dee Harrington, Jim Griffin and David Jacob (all three incredible players in theri own rite)returned and laid inspired tracks.  Together all of those styles generated an album of music FILLED with fresh and I think really fun & interesting -- some might say borderline eclectic tracks.  I had a ball creating it... I'm proud of it and now--10 years after it's debut--I'm excited to share it with all of you!  Enjoy!

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Pastor Brad - Shredded Sweet (Full Album)
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