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 New stuff from Roxx Records

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Number of posts : 3150
Age : 53
Localisation : Kalamazoo, MI
Registration date : 2012-03-18

New stuff from Roxx Records Empty
PostSubject: New stuff from Roxx Records   New stuff from Roxx Records I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2015 6:41 pm

Didn't see this posted here, so I thought I would share:

Roxx Records wants to put the vinyl reissues out faster and we think we can, but we need your help!
The vinyl market is booming, classic reissues, and brand new vinyl alike are everywhere these days, and being open and honest it can be very cost prohibitive. In addition Vinyl record plants are also citing long delays in pressing your vinyl projects! In some cases for indie labels it can take up to 6 months to get your product out to market once you submit it for pressing! 

Roxx Records has been slowly churning them out, already pressing such classics as Vengeance Rising, Deliverance, Mortification and more! Currently being pressed we have Recon and Ultimatum both of which we are currently awaiting delivery on!   But we are hearing your requests and demands and we want to oblige you and bring you more and bring it faster! So we need your help! 

Roxx Records in conjunction with Meis Music Group are preparing to bring you the first in a series of classic Intense Records reissues! 
Up first we have the debut album from Angelica! Angelica is a project of Canadian born guitarist Dennis Cameron, who recorded a pair of demo tapes under the Angelica name. Later he faced the option to either join Holy Soldier or Bloodgood or to sign with Intense Records. Dennis chose the latter and released four albums on the label, including this one, the band's self titled debut release in 1989 which also was the only album to feature the vocal talents of Rob Rock of Impellitteri fame and a guest appearance and co-producer credit for Ken Tamplin.

Angelica is set to be released in a Limited Edition Pressing of 300 copies on vinyl, with the first 100 only being a special (yet to be determined) color variation and 200 on black vinyl with all the original tracks being fully remastered for vinyl. As well it will be released on CD in a one time Limited Edition pressing of only 300 copies fully remastered and restored with additional bonus tracks working in conjunction with the and only Dennis Cameron to bring you a truly collectible archive of the debut Angelica release.
Second we have the one and only debut from Southern California’s very own Deliverance! Deliverance first appeared on the metal compilation project called California Metal. In its early days, the speed metal band was often compared to mainstream counterpart Metallica, although the group experimented with several different metal styles over the years. Signed to Frontline Records in 1989, the band released its self titled debut and garnered instant attention in Christian metal circles, the album was also produced by Bill Metoyer. 

Deliverance is set to be released in a Limited Edition Pressing of 300 copies on vinyl, with the first 100 only being a special (yet to be determined) color variation and 200 on black vinyl with all the original tracks being fully remastered for vinyl. As well it will be released on CD in a one time Limited Edition pressing of only 300 copies fully remastered and restored with additional bonus tracks working in conjunction with Jimmy P Brown II to bring you a truly collectible archive of the debut Deliverance release.

For our third and final release we have the sophomore release from Sacred Warrior! Many Christian metal musicians began playing secular music and finding faith along the way. And as is often the case, these new Christians wanted to express their newfound faith through their music. Such was the case for Chicago based Sacred Warrior. The newly formed group decided upon the name SacredWarrior because it reflected not only that their commitment to Christ is sacred, but that as warriors they needed to put on the armor of God and prepare themselves for battle on a daily basis. Sacred Warrior signed with Intense Records in 1987 and recorded four albums with the label. Their debut release entitled Rebellion which was recently remastered and reissued in 2010 through Intense Millennium Records and this their second release from 1989 entitled Master’s Command is now going to go through the same remaster and reissue treatment. 

Master’s Command is set to be released in a Limited Edition Pressing of 300 copies on vinyl, with the first 100 only being a special (yet to be determined) color variation and 200 on black vinyl with all the original tracks being fully remastered for vinyl. As well it will be released on CD in a one time Limited Edition pressing of only 300 copies fully remastered and restored by Steve Watkins of SacredWarrior himself.

There you have it, our goal is to get all three of these 1989 reissues off to the presses once this campaign is funded and then turn around and do 3 more! And then keep them coming as long as you the fans can help us support this venture! Thank you all for your past support and help us spread the word to achieve this goal! 

To view the campaign: URL:
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Through The Dark Radio

Through The Dark Radio

Number of posts : 4330
Age : 54
Localisation : Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2013-09-17

New stuff from Roxx Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: New stuff from Roxx Records   New stuff from Roxx Records I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2015 9:52 am

Already got my support Very Happy
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Number of posts : 3150
Age : 53
Localisation : Kalamazoo, MI
Registration date : 2012-03-18

New stuff from Roxx Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: New stuff from Roxx Records   New stuff from Roxx Records I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2015 9:25 am

Mine too, I hope they make the goal!
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PostSubject: Re: New stuff from Roxx Records   New stuff from Roxx Records I_icon_minitime

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