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Number of posts : 2069
Age : 56
Localisation : Carthage, TN
Registration date : 2007-04-28

PostSubject: AHMADINEJAD SHOT DEAD!   AHMADINEJAD SHOT DEAD! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2007 7:30 pm

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Arrives in NYC for Controversial Visit and was just SHOT DEAD coming off the plane

Sunday, September 23, 2007


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in NYC for a controversial visit
and was gunned down by a sniper who was allegedly taking part in the
security detail surrounding Ahmadinejad.

This news channel also learned that within minutes of his assisination
- over 700 US and Israeli aircraft struck critical infrastructure
within Iran and Syria taking out ground radar, air bases and military
command and control.

There are also reports that all the Iranian clerics were taking out
during these air strikes though this has not been confirmed. It seems
we are at War and a surgical strike has just taken place to 'cut the
head off of the snake.'

Stay tuned for more up to the minute news.


Ok - so it's not a real story. But if I were President and I knew without a doubt I would be starting a war with Iran fairly soon.....this is how I would start it. Better to get him at the airport or at the Holiday Inn down the street than have to put our guys on the ground and find his stinky butt in a hole some where. Or not find his butt at all.

Frustrated that he is here. Mad
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