Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2024-07-31
Subject: Big News! New Album Released Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:17 pm
Just letting everyone in the forum know that I released my second album yesterday and about 60% of it is available for free preview. My music is very diverse. There are some heavy metal songs, a southern rock song, a jazz song, a classical piano song, a country song, and even a techno song. Listen to Volume 2 first since its new and if you like it, go back and preview Volume 1 afterwards. Its on the STORE page of my website which is See what you think. Also, i enjoy when folks in the forum give references to new music i have never heard before. Keep us up to date on new music please.
alldatndensum Admin
Number of posts : 23720 Age : 55 Localisation : Tennessee Registration date : 2007-01-30
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Wed Nov 20, 2024 5:30 pm
I am sure you would get a lot more engagement if you posted to get to know us instead of only dropping ads for your project. All three of your posts have been about your project.
_________________ I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2024-07-31
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Wed Nov 20, 2024 6:30 pm
Each week, i read posts i found on here. And i visit other music sites people have recommended on here. I have listened to full albums that i found referenced on this forum. I dont know why, along with mentioning my own music, that it would cause any problems. Ask me what you want to know, as far getting to know. I am just looking for ways of hearing new music i never heard before, and have been able to find such info by browsing through this forum. And the mention of my music was not a harassing marketing scheme, it was a polite “no obilgation to buy and 2/3rds of it can be listened to free of charge” mention of the music. Not a “i beg u please buy my stuff”. What else can we discuss? This forum spared me hours of googling for new music stuff that i deeply desire to hear. Not sure what else i am required to do to use the forum but would entertain any suggestions. Thanks
Shake n Bake
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2024-07-31
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Wed Nov 20, 2024 7:10 pm
Furthermore: I stumbled across this forum months ago in search of christian music that was cool, that may be what i like and looking for. It was a helpful resource. And yes, i only joined when i released my first album so i could have access to post it. But that doesnt mean its all i used the forum for prior to that. I dont know how many people are on the forum or what its full intentions are. But i used it as a resource to find new music rather than the same old junk i hear on FM radio. I can see how you might perceive it as i only used it for advertising, but its not. I used the forum to find new artists. So i thought others may have the same intentions i had. Which is why i posted about my music. However, i came to the realization a long time ago that my music project is nothing more than a money pit. I am in debt over $10,000 to make these two albums. I only did it because God burdened me too. I play several instruments in rock bands, and i felt burdened to give something back to the Lord. So even if ten people on here bought my music, it would be a blip on the radar. I don’t expect a profit but recovering my costs one day would be nice. My music is unique, i have no way of marketing it, and nobody is gonna buy it. People tell me its too weird. So i have accepted the fact that its just a money pit of a hobby. My music would require a nitch audience that i will never obtain. Its too heavy and progressive for the mainstream, and being a christian artist further reduces my appeal to others. I just thought people on this forum may have similar tastes that i do based on what i read, that they too may be looking for strange new music as i was. Therefore, i thought someone may want to listen to my free, yet unique and diverse music. Just ignore it if you dont want to listen to it. But i used this forum for more than just advertising. So, whats your story now that i introduced myself? Thanks,
alldatndensum Admin
Number of posts : 23720 Age : 55 Localisation : Tennessee Registration date : 2007-01-30
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:59 pm
This isn't a large forum. We are a small group who don't always feel like we fit in in larger pools or forums and this has become a little haven for us. We've been around for the better part of 20 years or so, and many of us have met one another in real life.
We wanted this to be a place where we could talk about Christian bands without having to ask if they really were that or not. We may love secular music as well, but here we focus on music that shines on Jesus.
I am the founder of the board. A handful of others have helped me keep it running and have even encouraged one another when we were in crisis or helped keep the board going and active. It is as much their board as it is mine.
Many of us are musicians, too. We have projects out but nothing big. We just enjoy making music and sharing it. I have a couple of projects and currently play in a 70s rock band doing original Christ-focused music. Many are just supportive fans. We have a variety of work experience outside music as well. Some love to read. Some are hikers. Some are engineers. Some love dogs and others cats!
I didn't say you couldn't talk about your project. I simply asked you to try to get to know some of us, too. We are more like a family and not just a bulletin board to advertise wares.
_________________ I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
Number of posts : 18 Registration date : 2024-07-31
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:14 pm
Good deal. Thanks for the info. Glad to meet you. I was under the assumption it was a large forum. Hence the hesitancy to speak. It felt like i was butting in. I am fine to engage with others. But as i mentioned, i stumbled across the forum while searching for new music to listen to, not for advertising purposes only. But i love music. So its easy to strike up a conversation with me about music. My music was given by God, He deserves the credit for the music i have out there so there is no need for y’all to have to evaluate that aspect of it. I am open to any recommendations of other artist, new or old. Its hard to discover some of them. I will keep an eye on the forum. Thanks again.
Staybrite likes this post
alldatndensum Admin
Number of posts : 23720 Age : 55 Localisation : Tennessee Registration date : 2007-01-30
Subject: Re: Big News! New Album Released Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:49 pm
Jump in! We don't have a lot of new posts right now, but sometimes we are quite chatty. Go into the other rooms and let us know about yourself. What do you watch? Do you read? Obsessed with a new game? We want to know?
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