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 New Darkhorse Hero

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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 12:09 am

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Number of posts : 23638
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 8:50 am

What?  A Christian project that DOESN'T have Dale Thompson on it?  I might have to get this just because it isn't a Dale project!   New Darkhorse Hero 1f60b 

This sounds amazing.  While he doesn't sound exactly like him, he does remind me of Kevin DuBrow a little.  I love the message as well.  The drums are mixed high enough to add power but not overwhelm the ears like so many recordings today.  The bass punches through to give definition.  The guitars strong, too, but still giving place to the vocals so that the message can shine through.

Let us know when the release date is as I want to get this.

Nicely done.  Let me

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Black Rider

Black Rider

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New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 9:29 am

Nice, I definitely want to hear more.
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Number of posts : 5381
Age : 50
Registration date : 2007-05-04

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 10:14 am

The first album was great, but I never actually got it, because I couldn't get hold of the CD.  I'm hoping he'll ship to the UK, and then I'll get both.

My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness

Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.

That is all I need to say.
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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 12:03 pm

I didn't even know Andrew was working on it.  He was supposed to be working on the next song for Joshua's Creed. New Darkhorse Hero 1f60b  But he started writing a couple of songs which turned into an album and they are currently mixing.  He hasn't given a date yet but Fall is coming soon.

I'm excited for him and the new album.

Fundy, Black Rider and Normaniac like this post

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Number of posts : 23642
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 12:20 pm

Oh wow, this sounds fantastic!

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 5381
Age : 50
Registration date : 2007-05-04

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 4:16 pm

I reckon he's someone Martin Simson could work with for his next song.  His vocals are really strong.

My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness

Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.

That is all I need to say.
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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 4:37 pm

They certainly are!  When Andrew sent in his vocal audition for Joshua's Creed, he recorded it on his phone.

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Number of posts : 23638
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2021 6:29 pm

I had forgotten how good the first album was.  I listened to it a few times when I got it and forgot about it.  I played it today.  Good stuff!

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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2021 6:39 pm

I've given it another spin, too.  Very talented!
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Number of posts : 23638
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2021 6:52 pm

Xid wrote:
I've given it another spin, too.  Very talented!

Thank you!  Yes, I am!  I am humble, too! lol!

Oh, were talking about the Darkhorse Hero guy, right?

I'll just be.........over there Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow

I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.

Staybrite and Black Rider like this post

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Number of posts : 5579
Age : 55
Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2021 8:29 pm

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Number of posts : 678
Localisation : California
Registration date : 2009-10-10

New Darkhorse Hero Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 26, 2021 1:26 pm

This track sounds better then the material on the first album imo...  The first release was good but this just sounds more energetic and direct.

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PostSubject: Re: New Darkhorse Hero   New Darkhorse Hero I_icon_minitime

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