This is from his website...
I have written many words: Lyrics, essays, books, business plans. The older I get the more I realize that words are easy. Actions speak the loudest and clearest message about our lives.
I dared to question everything in this world and for that I have no regrets. But knowledge has a price. It is easy to destroy a thing: An idea, a home, a love, a faith. It is much more difficult and worth while to build something.
What I know:
There is a universe.
There are causes and effects.
There is a design to the universe (whether you perceive random chaos or divine fiat).
Humans have been talking about creators for millennia.
Humans can be so sure of something that they cease to learn anything.
Many humans have attributed the most horrific and abhorrent characteristics to their version of God; many humans have leveraged those evil versions of gods for political, religious and financial gain.
Faith is a paradox of the supreme level. The closer we get to God and understand the mind of God the less faith we experience, the mirror becomes reality; God does not have faith in God, God simply knows and is.
Love is the highest path.
I was baptized in December 1985.
Jesus the Christ is the Son of God, the Word made flesh.
My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness
Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.
That is all I need to say.