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 New BRIDE song

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Follower of Jesus
Black Rider
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Number of posts : 5379
Age : 50
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PostSubject: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2020 12:11 pm

My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness

Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.

That is all I need to say.
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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2020 4:30 pm

This song reminds me of a cross of their "Kinetic Faith" and "Skin For Skin" albums.  That ain't a bad place to be in my opinion.

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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2020 7:08 pm

Good song but I wonder what Dale's vocals will sound like on the rest.

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Number of posts : 16628
Age : 95
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2020 8:41 am

Black Rider, I hope Dale's voice sounds like this song. Very Happy

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Number of posts : 1474
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2020 6:24 pm

I'm going to wait a while for this.
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Number of posts : 678
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 3:42 pm

I was underwhelmed... will try it again later...
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Follower of Jesus

Follower of Jesus

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2020 6:58 pm

Verses ok, chorus is awful
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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 21, 2020 7:52 pm

They have a video of the test pressing of the vinyl version of the new Bride record out.  Matthew Hunt is the one who did the video.  He plays a few seconds from each track to give you an overview of the album.  The title track that was hit or miss for us seems to be the weakest track on the album.  The rest of the songs sound killer!

If you did the fundraiser, the CD wallet version of the disc will be what you will get.  I am kind of bummed about that as we, the fans, made this financially happen and then have to settle for a lesser product.  These CDs have been shipped out.

Everyone who orders from Boone's Overstock will get a jewel case version with a trading card inside of either Dale or Troy.

I don't want the trading card.  I just wish they would have given us the same CD option.

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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
Registration date : 2011-04-13

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 10:29 am

That seems lame, those who fronted the money should get better product. Another reason I don't do these kickstarters or whatever they went through.

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Number of posts : 23634
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 12:14 pm

Oh man that does sound super lame.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
Registration date : 2011-04-13

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 6:36 pm

It's hard to tell from that test pressing player, sounds decent from what I can pick up. I felt like Scott was kind of rude to you Chris.
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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 4:42 pm

If you supported the band with their fundraising campaign, the CDs are shipping.  I got mine today!

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Number of posts : 5379
Age : 50
Registration date : 2007-05-04

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 5:24 pm

Cool!  Let us know how it sounds.  I'll be getting it anyway, (even if it's not very good!), but I'd like to know your opinion on it.  I'm hoping to get it through amazon, because boones postage to the UK is too much for me.

My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness

Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.

That is all I need to say.
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Number of posts : 16628
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 12:30 am

What are your thoughts over the new Bride album?
I doubt if I will order this new album.
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Number of posts : 1474
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 1:10 am

Black Rider wrote:
That seems lame, those who fronted the money should get better product. Another reason I don't do these kickstarters or whatever they went through.

That all depends on the artist.
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Number of posts : 1474
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 1:15 am

Gulp. They want $30 for HIYG on Amazon. Unreal!

Last edited by Normaniac on Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 1474
Age : 57
Registration date : 2018-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 1:17 am

$50 on eBay!!!
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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 6:04 am

Black Rider wrote:
It's hard to tell from that test pressing player, sounds decent from what I can pick up. I felt like Scott was kind of rude to you Chris.

So did I, but he could have been having a bad day.  You just gotta let some things go.

I do feel, though, that supporters of this should have gotten a better overall product.  We gave for this without expecting anything but a CD.  There were no reward tiers with this.  So, we get a cheaply made digi-wallet while those that spend money with Boone's Overstock will get the jewel case and collector's cards.  What a great way to say, "Thank you," to all the fans who donated to make this happen.  Well, rest assured that I won't make this mistake again if we will get less than what everyone else gets.

Musically speaking, though, I am digging this!  It is heavier like Skin For Skin.  It has some elements of Skin For Skin, Kinetic Faith, and The Jesus Experience all rolled into one.  While Snake Eyes was a great album, I believe this one will be even better.  I don't hear much except soloing that will remind you of the first three albums as promised.

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Black Rider

Black Rider

Number of posts : 1566
Registration date : 2011-04-13

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 9:36 am

Yeah, you took the risk and got the minimum. I need to check out more, see if Dale's vocals don't put me off.
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Number of posts : 5379
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 11:06 am

It's $48 for me, so I'll pass on the album for a while.  I'll wait til it turns up somewhere else a bit cheaper.  Half one hundred dollars is too much for a CD, no matter how good it is!

My Christian Metal Website.........
Silence Is Madness

Three Things for a better life...
1 - Believe In Jesus.
2 - Love one another.
3 - Let God be the judge.

That is all I need to say.

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Number of posts : 1474
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2020 3:38 pm

I might just wait till down the road, when it appears used and cheaper.  Too many other musical priorities: the new Translatlantic; new Demon Hunter; and possibly (eventually?) new Trytan.
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Number of posts : 6210
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2020 8:01 pm

I actually kind of like this.
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Number of posts : 23626
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2020 8:52 pm

Great song!  If you liked Snake Eyes, you will enjoy this record as well.

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Number of posts : 5579
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Localisation : Knoxville, TN
Registration date : 2014-03-12

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2020 10:55 pm

Bride wrote:
Demon speed
Feel the human need
Sin breeds
The soul pleads
Running at
Demon speed

This is gibberish to me.  Can anyone shed a light as to what this means?
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Number of posts : 1710
Registration date : 2017-08-01

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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2020 11:50 pm

I think it's 

Demon speed!
Feel the human need {that} sin breeds
The soul pleads {against the sin that is multiplied as we run at demon speed}
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PostSubject: Re: New BRIDE song   New BRIDE song I_icon_minitime

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