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 New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"

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Number of posts : 1710
Registration date : 2017-08-01

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PostSubject: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 21, 2019 9:33 pm

Hey guys. A message from Christian Liljegren:

"Their new album "From Darkness to Light" releases in August, alongside a re-release of the classic "Long Live the King" from 1999! 🤘🔥
Pre-orders are available now!

Don't miss out on this epic heavy metal from Sweden - and if you're wondering where to get it, mr. Liljegren has the answer for you"

He also posted a video announcement on FB. Here's the link:
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 21, 2019 10:21 pm

Narnia always delivers the goods.  I will be adding this to the coolection.

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Number of posts : 1710
Registration date : 2017-08-01

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 21, 2019 11:03 pm

The "coolection" Ha!
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Black Rider

Black Rider

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Registration date : 2011-04-13

New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 22, 2019 9:34 am

That's cool they're rereleasing, Long Live the King. I really enjoy that one.
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Number of posts : 678
Localisation : California
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2019 4:55 pm

Its a solid album all the way around...

We're playing the lead single on White THrone Metal Radio...
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Number of posts : 389
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New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 7:19 am

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Follower of Jesus

Follower of Jesus

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New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2020 5:33 am

I finally got around to listening to this. This is a tremendous album. The songwriting is really strong. I also love the bold lyrics. Christian never messes around with the words. It's always straight gospel, and I love that.
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
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Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2020 1:39 pm

I will give it another spin while I am home.  I just couldn't get into the newest one.

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Black Rider

Black Rider

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Registration date : 2011-04-13

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2020 5:55 pm

I like it but like a lot of Narnia, I never listen through a whole album.
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Follower of Jesus

Follower of Jesus

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New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2020 2:39 pm

I’ve read review after review of this album and no one has mentioned something that I discovered and really love. The War That Tore The Land is my favorite song, but Sail On, which follows it, uses the same melody in the guitar solos as the female voice in the previous song is singing. It ties these two songs together. With each listen to this album is getting better and better and better. I love the lyrics too. They’ve always been bold, but for some reason the lyrics here are more encouraging than ever.
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2020 7:12 am

I need to give it another shot.  I didn't love it on my first couple of listens and just haven't been back to it since.

I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
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Follower of Jesus

Follower of Jesus

Number of posts : 817
Registration date : 2007-05-02

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2020 7:53 am

It’s a grower.
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Number of posts : 678
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Registration date : 2009-10-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 12:07 pm

An absolutely brilliant album... Yet I find with Narnia the songs either kill it or are quite pedestrian... imo....
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PostSubject: Re: New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light"   New Narnia Album - "From Darkness to Light" I_icon_minitime

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