I do not know if anyone else has read about this story, but it is about a US missionary that was recently slain by an isolated tribe located in a remote island in the Bay of Bengal. Following is the story from CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/22/asia/north-sentinel-island-john-allen-chau-diary-intl/index.html
What does everything think?
Initially, it seems such a tragedy losing your life at such a young age (27). He seems to have the correct idea, when (as quoted from his diary) he wrote: "Lord, is this island Satan's last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?"
But is there a better or more constructive manner in which to go about doing things? Regardless of the attempt, does his type of approach lead to any type of fruit? Yes, the tribe seems obviously hostile, so is there a better way to build trust than walking into a dangerous situation unannounced?
Interested in reading everyone's thoughts...