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 Mission Of One - One song - Spotify

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Number of posts : 3144
Age : 53
Localisation : Kalamazoo, MI
Registration date : 2012-03-18

Mission Of One - One song - Spotify Empty
PostSubject: Mission Of One - One song - Spotify   Mission Of One - One song - Spotify I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2016 8:47 am

I said I would do this a few weeks ago but I forgot. I was just curious how many "spins" it would take for alldat to receive a check for 3 cents. So I decided to go on Spotify and play "Crashing Down On You" over and over and over. I started about 30 minutes ago. I will let it play most of the day (there are some times when I will need my computer for other stuff so I will have to turn it off but I will let it play all day). I was going to stream the whole album but plays would increase if doing ONE song. 

So if you are on Spotify and have the time to loop one song over and over pick "Crashing Down On You" and let it loop all day or night. As of right now the plays are less than 1,000. Let's see if we can get it to increase by just playing this one song. 

In comparison, Ultimatum "One For All" has about 3,000 spins. I do not know if that is their most played song or not but it is the one that shows up in "recently played" along with 2 or 3 other bands with the same Ultimatum name. When I asked Scott about this last year he says they have never seen a penny from Spotify. 

So turn on your Spotify account, play "Crashing Down On You" and let's see what happens! I picked this song because it is 3 minutes. Meaning it will play 20 times an hour. If someone else also plays this song it increases to 40 times an hour. If 3 of us do it, we are up to an average of it playing once a minute for a total of 60 spins an hour. 

If I can I will also leave it turned on after I leave work tonight and just let it play but I don't know if it will idle out or not. 

Let's give it a try and see if we can get Alldat a 3 cent check! And if 3 of us do it, that is one cent a piece for each of us!!

Do a search in the search box for "mission of one crashing down on you". If you just pick Mission Of One it will play the whole album. Also make sure you pick the "loop" icon on the player.
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Number of posts : 3417
Age : 43
Localisation : St Louis
Registration date : 2012-06-08

Mission Of One - One song - Spotify Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission Of One - One song - Spotify   Mission Of One - One song - Spotify I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2016 10:09 am

I actually read this article a few weeks ago. It's interesting but the paragraph in question is:

For example, I am paid $0.00029 per stream of a song on Spotify, and even this amount depends on whether the song is being streamed by a paid user or someone using the service for free.  This means it will take upwards of 3,500 streams of a single song on Spotify to earn $1.00 versus that same revenue for one iTunes song purchase (not to mention the fact that Spotify refuses to pay the same amount to independent artists as they pay major labels, unlike iTunes). 

Written by Derek Webb.
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Number of posts : 3144
Age : 53
Localisation : Kalamazoo, MI
Registration date : 2012-03-18

Mission Of One - One song - Spotify Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission Of One - One song - Spotify   Mission Of One - One song - Spotify I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2016 10:27 am

Wow, so I wonder if it even matters? Scott said Ultimatum has never been paid for anything. I asked Rich (Saint) about it and he said they do get checks but they are very small.
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Number of posts : 23629
Age : 54
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Registration date : 2007-01-30

Mission Of One - One song - Spotify Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission Of One - One song - Spotify   Mission Of One - One song - Spotify I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2016 8:47 pm

You have to have somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 million plays per day to even make a minimum wage size paycheck weekly.

I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
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PostSubject: Re: Mission Of One - One song - Spotify   Mission Of One - One song - Spotify I_icon_minitime

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