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 Old stuff rocks.

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Number of posts : 16694
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 8:47 am

Now some CHM members are very interested in older Christian stuff I wonder what do you like more?
The older bands from the 70's and 80's or the more newer Christian music.

Retrospect Records seems to be specialized in hard to find and ultrarare bands from the 70'and 80's. 
I'm still very amazed that there are so many band from the 70's and 80's who are not very populair or have only released their music on tapes.
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Number of posts : 10021
Age : 55
Localisation : Yucca Valley, CA
Registration date : 2007-05-18

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 10:40 am

I have a serious music appreciation for the artists who paved the way for the Christian music we have today. I've collected countless albums by Love Song, Larry Norman, John Fischer, Mustard Seed Faith, All Saved Freak Band, Albrecht and Roley, Michael Omartian, Rez band, Randy Stonehill, and several others that most have never even heard of. Sure, some are cheesy sounding, dated, and bad production, but nevertheless they are part of our history. Essentially "CCM" started in the late 60s. Though I have and listen to many albums from that early era, the sound that I enjoy the most has to be the "CCM" in the 80s and beyond (obviously).
I am thankful for those who've labored to preserve the classics- We should respect and support re-releases of those "oldies but goodies" so the legacy continues (again, especially the 80s bands).

I've recorded some of those "LP" only albums that have not been remastered and re-released yet and many have never even heard of (several from the mid 70s and early 80s), so they could be shared amongst Christians who reminisce to that era or just want some music appreciation. A few of my recordings have been hopping around the internet for the last 8 years, makes me happy that others can enjoy these old greats too (otherwise they'd disappear into oblivion).
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Number of posts : 23720
Age : 55
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 4:25 pm

I am very glad to have discovered the stuff from Retrospect.  I am seriously digging Du Beel, Follower, and Fast Forward.  But, I prefer rock/metal with that 80's style.  These fit that bill even though the recording quality isn't that great.

I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
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Number of posts : 678
Localisation : California
Registration date : 2009-10-10

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 5:33 pm

I have the Follower album on cassette.... haven't listened to it in years...
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Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 5:43 pm

alldatndensum wrote:
I am very glad to have discovered the stuff from Retrospect.  I am seriously digging Du Beel, Follower, and Fast Forward.  But, I prefer rock/metal with that 80's style.  These fit that bill even though the recording quality isn't that great.

I am so glad you like the I initially said, I know it is basically just the cassette put onto a cd, but I like having it with the professional covers versus downloading it. 

And I 100% agree with you Alldat...I love the 80s style...whether in my metal, my pop, or in my rock...I think the late 70s and 80s were the best time for all of them.

Most of the modern bands I listen to have an 80s style..bands like Theocracy break that mold somewhat, but they are the exception and not the rule.

And yeah, I love Du Beel. I never heard of them before I saw them listed on that site as a Christian metal/rock band. I gave them a try and have been very happy with it  Smile
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Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 5:47 pm

You know, I am going to sound really old now, but I finally understand why my parents hated my music in the 80s so much.

I think the music from the 70s and 80s was so much cleaner and innocent (even a lot of the hair metal bands used double entendre instead of outright saying it) than it is today.

With that being said, how incredibly vulgar my music (the non-Christian stuff) must have seemed to someone who grew up on the bands of the 50s and 60s.

So yeah. I understand now why they hated my music.
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Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 7:19 pm

I've always had an appreciation for some of the old 70's and early 80's ccm such as Sweet Comfort Band, Petra, Rez, Whiteheart etc... If you like that old school stuff check out the Classic Christian Rock Preservation Society on FB.  Also if you like the first 2 Petra albums, three of the founding members, Greg Hough, Bill Glover, and John DeGroff have formed a new band called GHF. The have a real 70's classic rock vibe to them
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Number of posts : 614
Age : 53
Localisation : Hannibal, MO
Registration date : 2012-06-08

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:40 pm

I just listened to Whiteheart's Vital Signs today.......I remember my mom flipping out about how "heavy" it was.......that's some funny stuff right there.....
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Number of posts : 10021
Age : 55
Localisation : Yucca Valley, CA
Registration date : 2007-05-18

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 9:43 am

bought4life wrote:
You know, I am going to sound really old now, but I finally understand why my parents hated my music in the 80s so much.

I think the music from the 70s and 80s was so much cleaner and innocent (even a lot of the hair metal bands used double entendre instead of outright saying it) than it is today.

With that being said, how incredibly vulgar my music (the non-Christian stuff) must have seemed to someone who grew up on the bands of the 50s and 60s.

So yeah. I understand now why they hated my music.
... and the beat goes on...

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Number of posts : 856
Age : 45
Localisation : Arcanum, OH
Registration date : 2012-06-08

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 9:49 am

I haven't heard much of the music from the earlier eras... even the 80's, for me, are discoveries to be made in the last ten years to now... I didn't grow up in country so the only music I knew was what my parents listened to and the little I gleaned on our visits to the country..
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Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 11:43 am

Guilty/Forgiven wrote:
bought4life wrote:
You know, I am going to sound really old now, but I finally understand why my parents hated my music in the 80s so much.

I think the music from the 70s and 80s was so much cleaner and innocent (even a lot of the hair metal bands used double entendre instead of outright saying it) than it is today.

With that being said, how incredibly vulgar my music (the non-Christian stuff) must have seemed to someone who grew up on the bands of the 50s and 60s.

So yeah. I understand now why they hated my music.
... and the beat goes on...

I actually always liked that song...I used to watch their variety show as a wee kiddie (around 4-6 yrs?)
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Number of posts : 23711
Age : 57
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 12:56 pm

I like some of the stuff from the 70's, but not a ton of it.
My favorite decade for music was definitely the 80's. Many of may favorite "newer" bands still have at least some of that 80's sound in their music (Letter 7, Millennial Reign, Eden's Realm, Harvestbloom, Walking With Kings)

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 3417
Age : 43
Localisation : St Louis
Registration date : 2012-06-08

Old stuff rocks. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 1:30 pm

Oddly, I don't care for any rock or metal from before I was born - 1981...
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PostSubject: Re: Old stuff rocks.   Old stuff rocks. I_icon_minitime

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