well if you just got the thread about Hedda "the Storm", check it out. So this kind of prompted me ( maybe the Lord or just my brain) to have prayer for them this week. Dynamis assured us that they contacted Him and they are christians, and I trust his judgement fully!!
So let us prayer for Hedda this week. First that God will shine his love upon them and reveal Himself to them more than He ever has. Secondly that they would have a desire to share that love individually and corporately as a band.
Just want you all to know how much I appreciate all of you. If i talk to you or not. If you just come and get the band name and pray once or all week. If you have even never responded to any conversation or thread. You are highly appreciated and thought of.
I know each of us are at diffent levels of maturity in Christ. Simply by the fact that some of us have known him longer. It does not make us better of more important. It make us more thankful for His grace that he found us and poured out his love on us when we did not deserve it. I know some of us are involved with churches that relay a message of supriority, I know because I belonged to one at one time. But please know people do not care how much you know about God and what you can quote. They need to see God, demonstrated in apractical and tangible way. That is through love and Grace. Believe me when I found Christ, His great love wanted me to run away from sin. I didnt need someone to try to convict me or challenge me on it.
Let us all extend Grace to one another. We go to different churches and sit under different pastors who have been trained under different teachings. But let us not judge one another or try to change one another, but let us become brothers and sister in christ. So that when someone comes to this board they will know. hey these people must know God,, because they are not fighting or bickering but showing love to one another. Also, if you are the kind of person who just loves to argue and debate, ask the Lord if this is the way He desires you to be. All of us need to crucify our flesh. Just a term, but it means to bring our emotions and desires and opinions in line with God's word.
Sorry didnt mean to drag on but i truly want the best for you all!! May the Lord of Hosts fill you with his great love. May you come to know the very Height and depth of that love. May his peace rule and reign in your hearts!!