Someone here at this fantastic board brought it to our attention that Greg Sweet (the singer from that great 80's metal band Watchmen), has a site that you can join and download those classic Watchmen cds as well as stuff from his newer band "Torque". Well it turns out Greg has a new band (sort of) called Eldon's Machine. Actually it looks as if this "new" band is Torque version 2.0.
You can go to his site and download the latest songs from Eldon's Way. Upon closer inspection all of these songs (except) one where previously available as Torque songs. The new track is called "Never Give Up" and does sound very cool. All the other tracks are from the Torque demo that was previously available (the song "Rapture" isn't new either, it is just a the renamed Torque track "My Dove").
If you download the album you will notice a glitch, the track "Know Me" will actually download as "Defenders" from the Watchmen album "Generation". But if you previously downloaded the Torque demos you will already have this song. If you are not a member of the board go ahead and sign up (it's free) and you can download all the albums for free.
"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."