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 Sweet Comfort Band.

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Number of posts : 16650
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 9:13 am

This is the last band that RetroActive records will release.
I'm not sure if anyone likes thos bands.
But even tough there's one person who likes them it's worth posting this.

Sweet Comfort Band.

I know even though we are mebers of a hard rock forum it doesn't mean we all like this music and so now and then it's nice to listen to other music or music styles.
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Number of posts : 23663
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 4:25 pm

I haven't really heard much of this band.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 16650
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 4:27 pm

Me neither.
To be honest I don't like this RetroActive releases.
But thought there might be a CHM member who likes their music.
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Number of posts : 463
Age : 57
Localisation : Illinois
Registration date : 2007-05-01

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 9:38 am

The CCM artist Bryan Duncan was the lead singer for Sweet Comfort Band. The music is pretty dated to the late 70's early 80's, but then again most music from those days is pretty dated sounding. Not a bad listen, but definitely not hard music by today's standards.

I don't understand why Retroactive is releasing these albums as they were pretty much all re-issued a couple of years ago with two albums on one for the most part. The only one not re-issued was the band's self-titled release and it is available on iTunes for purchase.
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topshot rhit

Number of posts : 3889
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Retroactive Records   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 6:57 pm

rockerVu2 wrote:
This is the last band that RetroActive records will release.
Are they going under?

"If you are not concerned about your neighbor's salvation,
you should be concerned about your own."
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Number of posts : 23663
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 11:35 pm

topshot rhit wrote:
rockerVu2 wrote:
This is the last band that RetroActive records will release.
Are they going under?

I think she meant "latest" (not last).....but I could be mistaken.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2009 2:50 pm

I remember SCB. Cutting Edge and Perfect Timing were the albums that I listened to most, although someone did giove me Breaking The Ice on vinyl. Their 70's output was much more progressive from what I've heard, but I don't know that much about those albums.

Guitarist Randy Thomas also had a band called Allies after SCB broke up. Not as sucessful as Bryan Duncan, but more rock oriented. I saw Allies live with Rez back in 84 (or somewhere thereabouts).
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2009 11:50 pm

I had Breakin' the Ice and Hearts of Fire, and while both albums were ok, they were neither heavy or progressive enough to hold my interest for long.
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 13, 2009 11:13 pm

joe61 wrote:
I had Breakin' the Ice and Hearts of Fire, and while both albums were ok, they were neither heavy or progressive enough to hold my interest for long.

Did you hear Cutting Edge or Perfect Timing? Those were much more rock oriented.
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 14, 2009 11:33 pm

No, those two slipped under my radar, but I would have liked to have heard them.
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Number of posts : 1646
Localisation : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-04-28

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2009 9:22 am

Yes, "Cutting Edge" and "Perfect Timing" were more rock orientated. Not hard rock but they "rocked hard" in places. "Cutting Edge" is actually quite good while "Perfect Timing" has its moments as well.

However, it has been years (perhaps decades) since I have listened to either so it will be ineresting to hear these again.

I saw Sweet Comfort Band at a high school gymnasium in the Eastern Washington area in 1981. Saw the Allies in Yakima, WA several years later.
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Number of posts : 308
Age : 47
Registration date : 2009-03-15

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2009 3:35 pm

I scored "Cuttin' Edge" on vinyl about a year ago while on vacation in Minneapolis, at a cool downtown used music store. The basement was as large as the main floor, and it was ALL VINYL. Awesome record, I think it's fantastic. I've already pre-ordered all the SCB re-issues, because I'm stoked about them. My one question to Matt & co. is this - why has no one scored rights to the S/T debut? The others have all been re-issued once before, albeit in slightly less than deserving 2-on-1 CD issues (though an improvement over the KMG dreck). We need to get the debut re-issued, because that was such a monster album, and had their "signature" song "People Get Ready". Why no one has secured those rights is beyond me...

I'm assuming these will be newly remastered like all the other RA re-issues?
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Number of posts : 23663
Age : 56
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 2:23 pm

I was over at the Retroactive myspace site and they have three Sweet Comfort Band tracks on their player.

Just got done listening to the song "Perfect Timing" and I was very impressed with how good it was. Kind of has a "Quarterflash" or even early "Foriegner" vibe to it.

"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 463
Age : 57
Localisation : Illinois
Registration date : 2007-05-01

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 2:27 pm

MetalFRO wrote:
I scored "Cuttin' Edge" on vinyl about a year ago while on vacation in Minneapolis, at a cool downtown used music store. The basement was as large as the main floor, and it was ALL VINYL. Awesome record, I think it's fantastic. I've already pre-ordered all the SCB re-issues, because I'm stoked about them. My one question to Matt & co. is this - why has no one scored rights to the S/T debut? The others have all been re-issued once before, albeit in slightly less than deserving 2-on-1 CD issues (though an improvement over the KMG dreck). We need to get the debut re-issued, because that was such a monster album, and had their "signature" song "People Get Ready". Why no one has secured those rights is beyond me...

I'm assuming these will be newly remastered like all the other RA re-issues?

The self-titled album is available on iTunes, so I am guessing someone who has the rights to it just doesn't want to release it on CD as the iTunes version has no production cost and the $10 for the album is pretty much profit.
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Number of posts : 308
Age : 47
Registration date : 2009-03-15

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 10:56 am

^^ I'm a physical collector, though, so iTunes is like anathema Razz

If I can't ever score an original vinyl I can track to WAV myself, I may eventually break down & buy the iTunes version. It's just lame that someone can't seem to license that for reproduction, especially after how highly it was lauded, and what a good seller it was at the time of its debut (outselling Boston's debut in some record stores, reportedly).
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Number of posts : 463
Age : 57
Localisation : Illinois
Registration date : 2007-05-01

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 4:57 pm

MetalFRO wrote:
^^ I'm a physical collector, though, so iTunes is like anathema Sweet Comfort Band. Icon_razz

If I can't ever score an original vinyl I can track to WAV myself, I may eventually break down & buy the iTunes version. It's just lame that someone can't seem to license that for reproduction, especially after how highly it was lauded, and what a good seller it was at the time of its debut (outselling Boston's debut in some record stores, reportedly).

I would snatch up a physical copy as well, but for now, the iTunes version is better than nothing. I had a gift card and so I picked this up as I had physical copies of most other hard to find releases that iTunes has.
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Number of posts : 678
Localisation : California
Registration date : 2009-10-10

Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2009 12:30 pm

I was sent all the re-releases and 'Perfect Timing' is much better then I remember it. It was produced by The Elephante bros.... It has held up pretty well but is definately an 80's disc...

Cutting Edge was pretty good as well. I've not perused the other discs yet but they're definately worth a listen.

I saw them one time on their 'Farewell Tour' as it was announced that 'Perfect Timing' would be their last release. They rocked harder live then on record, but the musicianship was fabulous...

Sweet Comfort Band. Icon_smile
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Sweet Comfort Band. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet Comfort Band.   Sweet Comfort Band. I_icon_minitime

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Sweet Comfort Band.
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