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 The Showdown.

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Number of posts : 16694
Age : 95
Registration date : 2007-02-09

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 9:30 am

Check out this band at:
This band sounds not so bad.
"Temptation Come My Way" is the title of their latest album.
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Number of posts : 23720
Age : 55
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 12:34 pm

Musically, it is a great album. Lyrically, it doesn't contain a lot of real spirituality. The most inspiring song is probably their remake of "Carry On My Wayward Son".

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Number of posts : 23711
Age : 57
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 2:38 pm

Ditto what Alldat said (for the most part). The music is great, but the lyrics don't seem to point to their faith much at all.


"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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topshot rhit

Number of posts : 3899
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2007-01-30

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 6:11 pm

Third time's a charm. Ditto.

"If you are not concerned about your neighbor's salvation,
you should be concerned about your own."
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The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 6:42 pm

It's got 3 or 4 really great songs. Blatant rip-off of Corrosion or Conformity and Metallica (Load-era) but very good nonetheless. I hope their next album will be even better.
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Number of posts : 320
Age : 53
Localisation : SC (USA)
Registration date : 2007-04-27

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2007 5:01 pm

Their first album is much better. Luckily for me I got to see them live before they changed to this new style. I mean it's not bad at all, but it ain't The Showdown.
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The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2007 9:22 pm

7thSecond wrote:
Their first album is much better. Luckily for me I got to see them live before they changed to this new style. I mean it's not bad at all, but it ain't The Showdown.
And I thought we had so much in common musically. Crying or Very sad
First I read you like hardcore punk on the Island forum and now you say the first Showdown disc was better? Evil or Very Mad

I'm just messin' but... The new Showdown is much more to my liking than that screaming horror show of a debut they released. I admit it was talented and good if you like hardcore/metalcore screamo death stuff but for a melodic rock/metal fan like me I would much rather hear "Temptation Come My Way".

However, I feel they TOTALLY butchered the classic "Carry On My Wayward Son" on the new album. Even my daughter thinks so and she likes all this modern stuff.
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Number of posts : 23711
Age : 57
Localisation : Arizona Desert
Registration date : 2007-02-08

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2007 11:03 am

rageofcreation wrote:

I'm just messin' but... The new Showdown is much more to my liking than that screaming horror show of a debut they released. I admit it was talented and good if you like hardcore/metalcore screamo death stuff but for a melodic rock/metal fan like me I would much rather hear "Temptation Come My Way".

However, I feel they TOTALLY butchered the classic "Carry On My Wayward Son" on the new album.

I have to completely agree with you there. Being a fan of the more melodic rock stuff I couldn't get into the Showdown's first album.

I also think that if they couldn't get the vocal harmonies correct on "Wayward Son" then they should have just left it alone.


"I used to be indecisive.......... Now I'm not sure."
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Number of posts : 320
Age : 53
Localisation : SC (USA)
Registration date : 2007-04-27

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2007 2:43 pm

I've never hid my like for harder music Norm (hardcore, thrash metal etc.). But unlike most people I also enjoy many of the styles that you do (melodic metal, symphonic metal etc.) along with the harder stuff. I know Godswizard's tag line is "daddy likes it all" but I don't think he's even in the same league as me when it comes to liking different styles of music. It's all in what I feel like hearing at the moment.
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Number of posts : 23720
Age : 55
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2007 7:11 pm

Quote :
I also think that if they couldn't get the vocal harmonies correct on "Wayward Son" then they should have just left it alone.

I thought they did pretty good with this, myself. Sure, the track is dropped a few keys from the original, but the harmonies are there (just lower pitched!).

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The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 8:34 am

I loved TCMY, but I could not stomach the vocals on their first album.
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Number of posts : 23720
Age : 55
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-01-30

The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 8:50 am

WElome back, TT!

I have to agree that the vocals on The Showdown's first CD kept me away from it as well.

I might have decided, or maybe not, that I should or shouldn't, depending on the issue or non-issue, to possibly share or not share, any thoughts, opinions, or facts (that might not be deemed factual by some), due to possible fear of any misinterpretation or retribution.
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The Showdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Showdown.   The Showdown. I_icon_minitime

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